I want to make another blog for my books so you guys can read them when ever you want and it will boost my confidence up to be able to sell my books. I have person I'm following that is writing a book about a vampire named Peter, and I read a page from I think the 7th Book, I'm really interested on how she/he does it. Well, I'm thinking on putting my first book I made which of course a vampire book as well in my blogger as well and the other book I'm still writing, even though I'm not done with the vampire book yet I think I can get it done in time.
I thinking it has been a great deal to me that I can do things on here and I can't beleive that I'm doing this for school next year, and I'm getting graded for it. Isn't that nice of my teacher, and I can't wait to talk more about things and write my books on here so I really hope to do this a lot more often then usual and putting my book in blogger.com, please if you have any question about when the books are going to be on blogger.com, please comment me. See yah. Ane my teacher better be reading this blog or else... Bye! :)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Summer Vaction!
Summer vaction, yeah... what a life, huh? Sitting on the beach relaxing and drinking your favorite drink, doing nothing but relaxing yourself. Well, for me in my case, I'm doing work and a vacation, to keep my mind opened and to relax my self before my sophmore year starts. And I still have my Clementon Park season pass, now that's exciting.
One of my friends are graduating this year, Samantha, and I was proud that she was going to graduate and go on to adulthood. She is still my friend, and I will treat her like one, and I can't wait to see her going down the aisle and watch her get her diploma, crying. I would be there crying too, but for her, she is like a big sis to me and I can't wait. I wish she could stay here longer with me, but she must go on and become a woman of her own.
Anyways, I'm excited because of the programs at the school is new to me, it will be my first time doing a summer program at CCTS. I don't know what else to say, that I guess I'm a nerd and technicly like school. Well, that is true, at least it gets me out of the house and do something in my life. Well, I must get going, I have other things to do I need planning. Have a good summer to the people I never got to comment. Bye!
One of my friends are graduating this year, Samantha, and I was proud that she was going to graduate and go on to adulthood. She is still my friend, and I will treat her like one, and I can't wait to see her going down the aisle and watch her get her diploma, crying. I would be there crying too, but for her, she is like a big sis to me and I can't wait. I wish she could stay here longer with me, but she must go on and become a woman of her own.
Anyways, I'm excited because of the programs at the school is new to me, it will be my first time doing a summer program at CCTS. I don't know what else to say, that I guess I'm a nerd and technicly like school. Well, that is true, at least it gets me out of the house and do something in my life. Well, I must get going, I have other things to do I need planning. Have a good summer to the people I never got to comment. Bye!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
My Book "Fairy Boy" I'm Writing Right Now!
"Fairy Boy" is about Nylon Milstein, a boy who lives in Summerville, Arkansas; who is the youngest and lives in an unfair love life. His father works full time job for a company in an office and a construction site, for part-time. His brothers work and ask Nylon sometimes to help them out with some things, or he works in the garden or the house with his mother. Then a girl who moved in his land in the old Finches house, named Lauren Burnton. She is a mysterious girl who took him into her world she rules, the world of fairies, real live ones, finding out she was princess and he was the prince. He could use powers of the fairies and can call upon them, and can fly. They go to the same school, but different buildings, a girl building and a boy building, seperated until the end of the day on the bus.
Later in the book, he founded out a tragic accident happened, he didn't want to live and never come back to this horrible world. Soon he realizes he wasn't alone, his father came to him and comforts him. He then shows his dad the world he rules in since he meet Lauren, the world of fairies.
He will learn more about himself and his new friend on this journey of his even though he lost someone special in his life. This isn't a true story and I hope you enjoy books like fantasy, like this is not a childrens book, it has bad words and violance and a lot of bad things you do not want your children to know. When I get older, I hope I'll be able to sell my books, and get everyone to love it. Thanks for reading my blog.
Later in the book, he founded out a tragic accident happened, he didn't want to live and never come back to this horrible world. Soon he realizes he wasn't alone, his father came to him and comforts him. He then shows his dad the world he rules in since he meet Lauren, the world of fairies.
He will learn more about himself and his new friend on this journey of his even though he lost someone special in his life. This isn't a true story and I hope you enjoy books like fantasy, like this is not a childrens book, it has bad words and violance and a lot of bad things you do not want your children to know. When I get older, I hope I'll be able to sell my books, and get everyone to love it. Thanks for reading my blog.
Monday, June 14, 2010
I Like Vampires!
I do love vampire, I even adore them very much. Except Twilight, they have sparkling vampires, they are "sparkling bundle of sticks", you guys know where I'm going at. Anways, vampires are beautiful creatures that can come out in the day and hunt in the night. Their people like us, except, they look young, they stay like that, and they are graceful strong creatures. You might disagree with me about vampires coming in the day, but I beleive they, they still themselves but feast on blood, and eat normal food, without gaining a pound. They do normal things like us, they are called the perfects of wonder to me.
I wish I was one of them, strong, wise, and all the other things they can do. At least when I get my braces out, I can get my teeth sharpen to look like on. But that is another story to be told, anyways, my favorite gender of vampires is the male, they have sentative heart for every human. They will protect you if you want to help or work for them, at free will, or even give your blood to them at free will.
It's hard to tell if they are sad or lonely, which they give you a sign by backing off from you or trying so hard to not to take your blood. They can control their emotions, unless it they see someone they like, they can't control. Emotions or the ones they love, are mostly the males weakness when they see someone they like. Well, you might not agree, but these are facts that I read from books and stuff, and I hope I get what I wish for.
Thanks for reading my blog and hope to meet you again.
I wish I was one of them, strong, wise, and all the other things they can do. At least when I get my braces out, I can get my teeth sharpen to look like on. But that is another story to be told, anyways, my favorite gender of vampires is the male, they have sentative heart for every human. They will protect you if you want to help or work for them, at free will, or even give your blood to them at free will.
It's hard to tell if they are sad or lonely, which they give you a sign by backing off from you or trying so hard to not to take your blood. They can control their emotions, unless it they see someone they like, they can't control. Emotions or the ones they love, are mostly the males weakness when they see someone they like. Well, you might not agree, but these are facts that I read from books and stuff, and I hope I get what I wish for.
Thanks for reading my blog and hope to meet you again.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Behind in Health Class
Well, as you read the title, this blog is about my Health Class, and how I am behind in work. Yeah... I suck at it. I didn't have time to do my Health stuff because of all the projects in our new program had. The projects weren't fun in any direction you want to put it, that's why I'm never going to have time to do health. I hate doing work like projects, it gets in my way of my other classes like Performming Arts and my Health Class. I just want to pass for the year, but no, the teachers make get work or add work to your projects and you never get time to do your other works. I know now that high school is harder then I thought for the first time, even though I knew it was hard at the beginning.
Then I heard good news from my Health Teacher, after I explained about the projects, he said he would give me till Monday. Hurray! But... I'm a slow descent writer, which is bad, so now it will take me all weekend to get it done. Why me?! Why me?! Man this sucks so bad now I want to punch pillow through a wall! Ok... ok... I have to relax to make it through the weekend, sorry guys didn't mean to become angery, you know sometimes its frustrating to be a high schooler, when you have IEP in your work. And all the stress builds up in me and that just gets me agrivated really bad.
Now I know some of the schools in the world aren't so swell eigther, but all a the drama at home mixing with the work at school, it's stressful, some of you guys should already know that. But I live through all day long including at night, and all I want to do is to have a living family, which would never come true. Since now I'm in 9th grade, I can't daydream of my world of fantasy of a perfect family. Wow... I can't believe I'm saying all this stuff, which are true in my experience in reality. Well... I don't have much to say now, but remember guys life is always like this, it's much worse. But hey... your always loved in their heart.
Then I heard good news from my Health Teacher, after I explained about the projects, he said he would give me till Monday. Hurray! But... I'm a slow descent writer, which is bad, so now it will take me all weekend to get it done. Why me?! Why me?! Man this sucks so bad now I want to punch pillow through a wall! Ok... ok... I have to relax to make it through the weekend, sorry guys didn't mean to become angery, you know sometimes its frustrating to be a high schooler, when you have IEP in your work. And all the stress builds up in me and that just gets me agrivated really bad.
Now I know some of the schools in the world aren't so swell eigther, but all a the drama at home mixing with the work at school, it's stressful, some of you guys should already know that. But I live through all day long including at night, and all I want to do is to have a living family, which would never come true. Since now I'm in 9th grade, I can't daydream of my world of fantasy of a perfect family. Wow... I can't believe I'm saying all this stuff, which are true in my experience in reality. Well... I don't have much to say now, but remember guys life is always like this, it's much worse. But hey... your always loved in their heart.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
My Life is Confusing as a Middle Child

My life is confusing in reality, to sadly tell you the truth. I just sometimes wish I was not born because of all the drama I go through. But hey I'm glad to be alive, in a good school and doing stuff that I always wanted to do. But, sometimes being the middle child of the family is harder then I thought. I'm not perfect in looks or perfect in school, my mom works alot, barely see her, living with a step dad that I dislike. Putting up with the yelling of my little sister, who bosses me around, having two step brothers who love to piss me off once in a while, and I am always alone in my room with nobody to talk about my feelings or anything. Yeah so to all of you middle children, you should know how I exsactly feel.
I hate it! I really don't care about life anymore, or even if I have less freinds, I'm use of being alone doing nothing but staying in bed sick. Because... when I was little I was always sick because I was a sick baby when I was born, now my body gets sick less. I was always in my room sleeping in bed sick, it was a horrible for me at first feeling alone and my mom coming in to check on me once in awhile. When I finally cought a cold called pneumonia when I was 13 years old, I thought I was the only one who can catch something like that, since I am use of getting sick, but nothing hurt like this. That's why I know I'm alone for ever, even though people make fun of me all the time, about l-o-v-e.
I never felt real love in my life, it's the truth! I feel so independent, as a middle child only in 9th grade, I should know what love feels like... but I don't. Now, why am I telling you this? Because I think everyone has story on there side of life and I think it is important for people to know about me. Thanks for reading my blog and I hope to hear yours.
Monday, June 7, 2010
A Little Preview of the Summer Program

I'm doing a summer program this year, to just enjoy myself until or to do work before the year starts. I know it sounds boring but it's true, I hate doing programs during the summer but I want to do well next year. I feel like I'm doing a good thing for myself, it feels great to get somethings done before a new year starts. I hope I do better next year then this year, and make some more good freinds on the first marking period. Summer Programs I have done in my past life, were boring, but this one I heard will be exciting!
We will be building a motor bike or a little car, but the gas we will use is Coke (AKA cocoa cola soda) and... something else that I forgotten just now. Anyways, and we will be testing it, but the testers will be the teachers, for our safety of course. The ones who aren't doing summer programs in their own school, well you should go to a school who have this type of program. But I know I'll have a good time and hope to be an expert at certain things in all the subjects. So far I love the High School that I go to now. And guess what... when ever I am free during the week, I can go to Clementon Park, because of my season passes, this rocks!
Thanks for reading my blog and hope to have some comments on them. Have a good smiling foxy day!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Final Marking Period is Almost Here!

At CCTS, the final marking period is coming to an end and school will be out on June 23, we are excited to see the old commers go into adulthood. We will sure miss them very much, and now we say hello to the new ninth graders, maybe some new tenth graders, to our school. Next year will be my sister's last year in CCTS, and I was crying because she was growing up, so fast. I will be a tenth grader, and I will only have two more years til my gradutation. I will be the third girl in my family to graduate and go to college. Anyways, we Performing Arts students will be singing on June 23, for the graduating Seniors, and either way will be there for my friends, that are graduating. *Tears* I'm in tears right now thinking about them growing up to be adults and might never ever see them again.
My mom was crying because my older sister will be an adult, grown and ready to go to the college she has dreamed of, like me, she will not let her emotions get in her way of her life. I will be their by her side every step of the way. Testing will be comeing up and I will be testing for Performing Arts, it will be exciting! I am now happy, and I hope the people who are reading this will remember who graduated and remember them well. May god be with you Seniors and all the others around the world.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tribute for Gary Coleman

Gary Coleman, died May 28 on a Friday, he died at the age of 42, he played as himself on Avenue Q, he played as the superintendent of the apartment complex, that is where the musical took place. I actually liked the guy, he was swell person on Avenue Q, He died in his mid-years but that is still young. I wished to meet him in person one day, well now I lost my chance of seeing him perform on stage. I seen him perform Avenue Q on Youtube videos, but that isn't good enough, I hope I see one show of Avenue Q, before my college year comes up, in 3 years.
After I heard he had died in Utah, I was crying my eyes out as the people did for Michael Jackson when he died. I thought it wasn't fair for him at all, dieing at that age is horrible, I just wish we could bring him back right now and change everything and bring back so he can be on his first blockbuster role, he wished to be on since his childhood. His wish had never came true, and the people never made it happen to him. Well I give an RIP to Gary Coleman. I will miss him and give him his luck, and I give luck to the character to play Gary Coleman. Good luck to all tha Avenue Q actors and actress.
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