At CCTS, the final marking period is coming to an end and school will be out on June 23, we are excited to see the old commers go into adulthood. We will sure miss them very much, and now we say hello to the new ninth graders, maybe some new tenth graders, to our school. Next year will be my sister's last year in CCTS, and I was crying because she was growing up, so fast. I will be a tenth grader, and I will only have two more years til my gradutation. I will be the third girl in my family to graduate and go to college. Anyways, we Performing Arts students will be singing on June 23, for the graduating Seniors, and either way will be there for my friends, that are graduating. *Tears* I'm in tears right now thinking about them growing up to be adults and might never ever see them again.
My mom was crying because my older sister will be an adult, grown and ready to go to the college she has dreamed of, like me, she will not let her emotions get in her way of her life. I will be their by her side every step of the way. Testing will be comeing up and I will be testing for Performing Arts, it will be exciting! I am now happy, and I hope the people who are reading this will remember who graduated and remember them well. May god be with you Seniors and all the others around the world.
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