When I heard about it, Friday morning, I began to cry, my life dream was to go over to Japan and work at their manga area and to write my books, but... it will take years of work to get it all back again. I wished the storm just didn't come, so many people died and lost so much, they don't deserve this treatment. Maybe... just maybe God is warning us, maybe about 2012, maybe it will actually happen, maybe this was a test he put us too. But sinc I'm Wiccan, I eleive in a God and Goddess, but I do pray. Here is another hypothesis, what if Satan decided to come to us for not beleiving in him, or wasn't waiting til' next year and started to cause this, even maybe evil is coming upon our world.
So far I can see our world is falling apart, so either way we will die with it. What can we do? We can't over power the weather. I guess we might as well say good-bye to our world and hello after life. Our ocean is already to become radiated and spreading everywhere faster then the oil spill. What's the point of going to school if everyone is going to die and slowly to begin to fad away into complete darkness? What's the point of getting a job, if no one will be going out to buy stuff? What's the point of praying if there if there is no hope for us in this world?
I know... I bet you're thinking I'm crazy, but I'm just speaking my mind out, what's wrong with it? I'm not just speaking my ind out, I'm also speaking the truth, we all know it. But... if we do live... I'm calling this... what would I call it... a yes a miracle. I don't usually beleive in miracles, ut so far I hope their is a miracle to beleive in now, for those poeple sakes. I'm a doubtful person, right now I'm crying, but I'm in school, trying to forget aout this hatred hearted world we're living in now. But it is hard you know, but it takes small steps at a time.
I hope.. the people who survive... are alright and hoe they'll make a better future for their future people.