Thursday, March 3, 2011

Did you know about this? I Knew but Ignored it til Now!

Did you know that it less questions there are the more points they are? So if you make one mistake out of 14 questions you get 7.14 points off your grade on any state or marking period testing. If you're taking a benchmark test in Sophmore year be aware of this thing, because since I'm a Sophmore I took mine just today. This is the government's or school county's idea to make YOU look STUPID. this is what they are doing:

1. They are giving you less questions so you can fail on purpose to make you look like you need help
2. If you fail, you get tutoring for the rest of Sophmore year and after you take the HSPA in Junior year.

When you are in tutoring you will see a lot of kids sometimes, which means the more the kids there are, the more money the tutor makes in a day then a regular teacher. This is the mothod of the economy, this is why so many kids are failing, all I ask is for maybe at least twenty or thirty multiple qustions and one open ended, for math or english. But they don't want to do that. All they care about is the money, and we got to do something about it. If we don't then the future of the other kids will fail, and it shows the adults that they have over power us on intellgence for testing. Even it means die trying, if you are with me send me a little message, I need support for this.

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