Well, once again, I'm in a pot hole, I have to tutor a freshman, which I took the offer because, Extra Credit for all my classes were in it. I didn't realize til' after thursday two weeks ago that he was retarded then a mental child. He has ADD, which I understand, but for some odd reason he can't control it, I can with mine, I don't take any medication or anything. The kid is smart, he just gets distracted every ten minutes, I'm trying so many methods to get him away from distraction. So far it's going good.
He's a sweetheart, I don't know what else to say, I understand his feelings and emotion, I don't mean to yell at him, it's a habit. I apolagize and he forgives me because he goes through the same rampage as I do. It's stress, I can't take the bullying and rumors at school and the anger and bullying at home, I'm defensless everywhere I go. It's not the kids fault it's my fault, I wish I didn't have a life of hell. But either way, I'm in hell or in hell's hands every second.
My day so far turned out to be the worst, but some what OK. To start out I feel like beating up people or a specific person, I don't want to say his name. And it's not the kid I'm tutoring, don't think like that. it's a kid in my Performing Arts Class, he's nice, but to me, mentally, he's just ignorante. I kept it to myself, I don't like to judge, he's a student and has the same equal rights to not get beat up. He was judging, but in my term directing me on my scene, when I wasn't on, I was getting upset a little, I tried with all my heart to get the scene right. But judging upon someones acting is harsh, I know I'm not the one who shouldn't be talking about judging, but he has no right at all. I know, all I said was "at least I don't have to do Shakesperean, or go up twice, technically stay on stage a little longer." But that's not judging on acting, that's judging on how long of stardom for him, I like his scene, but it sounds like that he doesn't like mine, because I'm annoying.
Yes I'll admit, I'm very annoying, stupid, idiotic, and a pussy; still he was more harsher on me then I was on him. I don't even care if we're not friends anymore, I'm sick and tired of every person in my school making fun of me because I'm a freak or weirdo, it's just who I am. It's not my fault my God or Godess created me to be like this, I didn't choose, I wish I was able too. I just want to be dumped into a mental hospital because I'm talking like this. If the person I'm talking about is reading this... you know who you are... If you got something to say about me, personally, face me, I'm not afraid what you say.
Any questions or Posts about anything, just say it, and I'll comment you back. Thank you for reading my Blog!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
People Confuse Name (Or Confuse Relatives)
I hate my life, today and almost every year, people call me by my sisters names, it annoys me so much, I think I'll just jump off the closest bridge on the world. It drives me innsane, O God what do I do? People even confuse me with un known people and think I'm instantly related to them, it makes me feel very uncomfortable in this typw of situation. I wish I didn't have to go through this everyday, my life would be so much better in a world of no sisters.
Well that is it, my blog, short and sweet, see you later, and please comment me.
Well that is it, my blog, short and sweet, see you later, and please comment me.
Monday, November 29, 2010
Great Thanksgiving!

My Thanksgiving Weekend was great, my step dad, my mom, and my brothers (two step , one real) and sisters came together as a family. It wasn't as crazy as I thought it would go, but I was happy with my mom's and step dad's hard wroking in cooking. I helped out by cleaning the house with my sisters, and the boys slept in. It was rather quiet and my sister was annoying the crap out of me, ignored her, she's little, but she talks more then I do, scary huh? But, still being with her on Thanksgiving was better then not having her next to me. I love my family, but sometimes I feel as if they don't care about me or even love me. Anyhow, it was a great day, no one, never thought about it, argued or even faught over food, I was assuming it would happen.
I hope all my followers had a great Thanksgiving, and hope to here your comments about your's. Thank you and have a nice day!
I hope all my followers had a great Thanksgiving, and hope to here your comments about your's. Thank you and have a nice day!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Vampire Monkeys

Oh My God! What adorable and evil little creatures, these things are. They live upon blood and live in big colonies, they are small, but are really big trouble and dangerous. Vampire monkeys live in China, they are the rarest monkeys of them all. They aren't all bad, but they can kill a Chinese Capybara, which wieghs about 160 pounds. But who wouldn't want one, i would want one, they are so warm and cuddly looking. But again they mostly love human blood, but if I train it, maybe it will love me. Vampire monkeys can live up to 22 years in the wild and up to 38 in captivity. but the most unusual thing is if they don't have enough blood, they'll go up to they're own kind and do blood 'transfusion' mouth-to-mouth. It looks like they are kissing, but that is how they live. Thanks for reading! And I hope you comment me.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
My New Project (An Interst Project)
In my ISP program we are doing an interest project, and I picked my interest on vampires (vamyres). What I'm going to do is to compare to modern and past vampires based on what people thought of them. If you have two examples (No TWILIGHT! They can sparkle there way out of this project!) I will gladly take them, I already reading the book Dracula. So far I can see a lot of differences between what people went through and know about, to the modern ones we know about today. All I believe is to proove that vampires are no different from us mortals, they are human beings who good the same thing, but with different things. But any ideas, I will use them if you like. I already thought of a couple but can't descide. Here check or comment which idea you like best:
1. Bring in my Vampyre with very detial but very short things with in it.
2. Make a website about Dracula and Vampyre
3. Or do none of the above
If you like my ideas type in the numbers and I'll choose the best, if you have a good idea your self that i can use to help me I'll save it on word document, and tell you your idea was the best. Comment now!
1. Bring in my Vampyre with very detial but very short things with in it.
2. Make a website about Dracula and Vampyre
3. Or do none of the above
If you like my ideas type in the numbers and I'll choose the best, if you have a good idea your self that i can use to help me I'll save it on word document, and tell you your idea was the best. Comment now!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My favorite season is coming up, I can't wait to get a new costume, even though I never go one last year or the year before that. But I celebrate it because of the Wiccan holiday "Samain". Which is a dark holiday, when all darkness comes out, but we Wiccan's don't like that thing, we celebrate to forget the darkness and celebrate the harvest till November 1st. This holiday is important and it is fun to celebrate it with friends, but remeber sometimes the darkness controls us without even knowing, I beleive that. So thank god I protect my self from my family and friends, their love and care makes me feel safe. But anyways, it's on a Sunday night when it happen's, and that is good because I can celebrate it longer then ever. I love the holidays that Wiccan's celebrate, they aren't all that bad, at least that I know about. Thanks for reading my blog, and hope you got some addivice on my holidays or questions, when you post you stuff. And be careful what you do on this day.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Writing My Book
I'm continuing to write my book outside of my blogger, the reason for it is that I'm not ready for publishing it to the real world. Some people are vert religoous like Catholics, which I don't have a problem with, but I have a problem when it come to my book being judge for nothing. The book is called Seeing Death, it's about a boy, like many others that he didn't even know exsisted, can see spirits or has special powers, he finds out he is a Wiccan. He has an enemy who killed them, but in the end fines the most darkest secret between his murder and himself. I hardly talk about him seeing ghost, but when I ge to the part where he goes to an academy, that's where you might read a lot about that. When I'm talking about Seeing Death, it means that the boy always gets into trouble where he will see him physically, but in the book, the person who is death is the boy and his murder.
It's important that nobody judges my books, because Wiccan is a religion, and I like to study it a lot, I don't judge other religions at all, I respect them. But the religions that don't like Wiccan stuff, judges or says that we are bad and killers. Which that is entirely not true, that is unless the Wiccan is a witch (in definition means Wiccan breaker). We Wiccan's beleive in similar and different things then the religions you guys are familiar about. Anyways, if have any comments about this page or about the book, just say anything you like, don't hesitating, if it's bad like a threat or something similar, I will report you, and you'll be banned from this website. No pressure though. Oh, and if you have any ideas to go with in my first book, post that too. My first book is called The Hidden Secret of The Locket Key, just to let you know. Thanks for Reading!!! (Only Two Keys Can Open It)
It's important that nobody judges my books, because Wiccan is a religion, and I like to study it a lot, I don't judge other religions at all, I respect them. But the religions that don't like Wiccan stuff, judges or says that we are bad and killers. Which that is entirely not true, that is unless the Wiccan is a witch (in definition means Wiccan breaker). We Wiccan's beleive in similar and different things then the religions you guys are familiar about. Anyways, if have any comments about this page or about the book, just say anything you like, don't hesitating, if it's bad like a threat or something similar, I will report you, and you'll be banned from this website. No pressure though. Oh, and if you have any ideas to go with in my first book, post that too. My first book is called The Hidden Secret of The Locket Key, just to let you know. Thanks for Reading!!! (Only Two Keys Can Open It)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Geometry is Hard!
Geometry is hard when you don't quite understand it. When a teacher explains something, are you like, what are they talking about? Well... that's me right there. Geometry I was tought very little, my teachers then, even my teacher now doesn't explain any better. I should already know the basics, which I do, the shapes, some of notations, and the angles. That's all I know so far. He is a good teacher, but I sometimes need a certain type of help that he wouldn't understand. I'm even about to start doing afterschool stuff for school work and homework (which I hardly get).
Well that's all I want to type about. Hope I'll write during a good time.
Well that's all I want to type about. Hope I'll write during a good time.
Friday, September 10, 2010
I'm Back!
It has been all summer since I wrote a blog. I'm a tenth grader now, and I can now start blogging my thought on this website. Since this my blog, I will tell you how my summer was spent:
My summer was good and bad. The good thing was that I saw my mom more often then I had in the past, but my step dad caught a 106 degree fever, and didn't go to the hospital until Sunday morning. His leg was swallen and his wrist was too, he could harly move on the same day after coming home from the hospital the same thing happen, but much worse, he stayed there for 2 days. Well now he is better, and my summer from their was good, no step brothers that annoy you, and barely any rules because of the depression mood. I was quiet, and calm, thier was hardly any stress build up in me so I felt happy about it. And now I hope you enjoy your own school year or college
My summer was good and bad. The good thing was that I saw my mom more often then I had in the past, but my step dad caught a 106 degree fever, and didn't go to the hospital until Sunday morning. His leg was swallen and his wrist was too, he could harly move on the same day after coming home from the hospital the same thing happen, but much worse, he stayed there for 2 days. Well now he is better, and my summer from their was good, no step brothers that annoy you, and barely any rules because of the depression mood. I was quiet, and calm, thier was hardly any stress build up in me so I felt happy about it. And now I hope you enjoy your own school year or college
Thursday, July 29, 2010
For Now Until September
Today will be my last post till September, because I have no computer at home or anywhere else, the reason I'm able to write these blogs are because of the school. Thank you for the person who sent me their comment, I felt happy for the first time, and now I will take my leave. And I hope to write a new blog when I return to school, since this will become a daily thing. Thanks again for who ever is reading this, PEACE OUT!!
Friday, July 23, 2010
The Smurf Movie (real life)
Every one knows the Smurf's, right? Their will be a movie coming out in August 3, 2011, this is the real life versions of the Smurfs. With all your favorite characters from the cartoon, is now coming into a real life one, staring a comedian as Grouchy Smurf,
George Lopez. This is going to be awsome movie, the trail that I saw was really funny they aren't the size as the were when we saw them in cartoons. Let me give an insite what this movie is about.
This takes place in the Middle Ages, the evil wizard Gargamel discovers the village of the Smurf's and chases them into some woods. They get scattered and Clumsy Smurf wonders in the "forbidden" groto and some of the other Smurf's follow him. Since it was a Blue Moon night, a portal within the grotto transport them into Central Park in New York, of course you know where it is. They take shelter with a married couple and tried to figure out a way back to their village before Gargamel finds them.
Yup, that's all I know about the movie so far. But it will come out to be the most comedie and the most magical, adventure ever in the world of Smurf's coming into our world. This is the most awsome the awsome people! Don't Miss the trialers that will be coming out soom next years summer.

This takes place in the Middle Ages, the evil wizard Gargamel discovers the village of the Smurf's and chases them into some woods. They get scattered and Clumsy Smurf wonders in the "forbidden" groto and some of the other Smurf's follow him. Since it was a Blue Moon night, a portal within the grotto transport them into Central Park in New York, of course you know where it is. They take shelter with a married couple and tried to figure out a way back to their village before Gargamel finds them.
Yup, that's all I know about the movie so far. But it will come out to be the most comedie and the most magical, adventure ever in the world of Smurf's coming into our world. This is the most awsome the awsome people! Don't Miss the trialers that will be coming out soom next years summer.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
My Pet Cockatiel, Sam

My mom adopted a cockatiel named Sam, we go him by my Grandpa because they weren't to have birds in the Senior Citizens home. He loves getting attention, but doesn't want to be touched by us yet. He flirted with my sisters and me, he showed us his wings and whistle at us, that's how we knew he was flirting. Everytime you say 'pretty birdy' he goes crazy and loves you, and we still got to get Sam's flying feather clipped off. We are trying not to get him any ideas on how to fly, becaue we are getting professional's to clip them, we don't want to scare him.
I think having a bird will be fun because we can teach him how to talk and understand us, since he is a male speaking will be great, a female not so great. But hey, nobody said it will be easy to take care of him, he is hard to control since he loves to mimic the micrwave. It's funny how he does it you should see him.
I think having a bird will be fun because we can teach him how to talk and understand us, since he is a male speaking will be great, a female not so great. But hey, nobody said it will be easy to take care of him, he is hard to control since he loves to mimic the micrwave. It's funny how he does it you should see him.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Boring... but Interesting Day
I'm sitting at the computer doing my work for a certian summer project I'm doing, but it is difficult with people in the same room watching what you are doing. It's boring because I'm using a school's computer, and I can only go on certain websites and I can hardly play games. I hate when people stare at my computer and wondering what I'm doing? Well it's like a parent I live with watches what I do because she or he worries about me, becuase usually I'm always pulled into drama at home. But teachers, I feel uncomfortable, I want to be left alone, being innocent doing what I'm fre willingly doing.
But still, I'm bored, there's nothing here for me, but this blogger.com stuff, and my email's which this computer I'm using was being retarded this morning, it wouldn't let on the Internet. I'm tired and fustrated and can't wait till the weekends come up and go over my lovers house to get to know his family a little better becuase he went to my house several times. But the truth is, I sometimes feel guilty I can never call it, because my sister uses the phone to call her boy friend.
Thanks for reading, and pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeee comment me! Thanks.
But still, I'm bored, there's nothing here for me, but this blogger.com stuff, and my email's which this computer I'm using was being retarded this morning, it wouldn't let on the Internet. I'm tired and fustrated and can't wait till the weekends come up and go over my lovers house to get to know his family a little better becuase he went to my house several times. But the truth is, I sometimes feel guilty I can never call it, because my sister uses the phone to call her boy friend.
Thanks for reading, and pleeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeee comment me! Thanks.
Monday, July 12, 2010
My Worse Weekend in My Life!
My weekend was horrible, during the evening, on Saturday, this happened and couldn't get the dream out of my head. I wanted to smack my mom and step dad for making my sister go crazy, I was about to put up a fight. But they made tears of terror come out of my eyes, all the yelling hitting and stuff, but during around 11:00 pm and 12:oo am, things started to calm down. I was in the living room curled to the corner with a blanket, crying, about the threat of loosing my sister to my real dad. There I was think of running away from my troubles, even if I did, they would of sent cops after me.
It took me to 1:30 am to fall a sleep in the corner I was in, asleep on the ground and having a nightmare of the samething, but much worse. I wanted to run and run and run and run.... far away from the horror I felt. All I could tell you is that I went to the Nut house in my dream going crazy, weird huh, I never had this dream in my life, and I felt like a monster sealed into me that can never come out. Then I woke up....
I woke up at 10:00 am, some how I was on the couch, finding my self laying their with dog curled to my chest, and everyone else walking, no voices, in the kitchen. Yesterday, wa
s depressing especially for my sister, my little brother had no idea what happened. When I told my sister about the dream, she understood in my head I was mentally desturbed and caught in the middle of it. And now everything is done and over with, calm and no yelling, it was quiet with everyone in the house breathing slowly but heavily in their beds, while I went to the bus stop for my volunteeringly summer program talking about this now.
Thanks for who ever is reading this, and hope to hear some of your comments.
It took me to 1:30 am to fall a sleep in the corner I was in, asleep on the ground and having a nightmare of the samething, but much worse. I wanted to run and run and run and run.... far away from the horror I felt. All I could tell you is that I went to the Nut house in my dream going crazy, weird huh, I never had this dream in my life, and I felt like a monster sealed into me that can never come out. Then I woke up....
I woke up at 10:00 am, some how I was on the couch, finding my self laying their with dog curled to my chest, and everyone else walking, no voices, in the kitchen. Yesterday, wa

Thanks for who ever is reading this, and hope to hear some of your comments.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Sorry for not commenting for so long, I don't have a computer at home so I couldn't get to my blog and some hos managed to remember my password. LOL! But me and the person I go out with went on akind of date and ate some pizza and ent to his grand parents house, which are better then mines (still love them though). Anyways, they smoke a lot and I'm alergic to ciggaretes and I can get sick, since I was use of my step dad smoking a cigar, I thought it wasn't a big deal, so I didn't say anything.
Then, it was the same day but at night, my heart was pumping to fast and both my arms atarted to get numb. I was getting freaked out, and I had a hard time breathing, my gave me this pill to calm my body down, we thought at first it was a panic attack, then we found out it was a asthma attack.
I next time I will say something to someone if they smoke at me again like that, or just walk outside and stay there. thanks for reading my blog thanks bye.
Then, it was the same day but at night, my heart was pumping to fast and both my arms atarted to get numb. I was getting freaked out, and I had a hard time breathing, my gave me this pill to calm my body down, we thought at first it was a panic attack, then we found out it was a asthma attack.
I next time I will say something to someone if they smoke at me again like that, or just walk outside and stay there. thanks for reading my blog thanks bye.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Making Another Blog for My Book (Possibly)
I want to make another blog for my books so you guys can read them when ever you want and it will boost my confidence up to be able to sell my books. I have person I'm following that is writing a book about a vampire named Peter, and I read a page from I think the 7th Book, I'm really interested on how she/he does it. Well, I'm thinking on putting my first book I made which of course a vampire book as well in my blogger as well and the other book I'm still writing, even though I'm not done with the vampire book yet I think I can get it done in time.
I thinking it has been a great deal to me that I can do things on here and I can't beleive that I'm doing this for school next year, and I'm getting graded for it. Isn't that nice of my teacher, and I can't wait to talk more about things and write my books on here so I really hope to do this a lot more often then usual and putting my book in blogger.com, please if you have any question about when the books are going to be on blogger.com, please comment me. See yah. Ane my teacher better be reading this blog or else... Bye! :)
I thinking it has been a great deal to me that I can do things on here and I can't beleive that I'm doing this for school next year, and I'm getting graded for it. Isn't that nice of my teacher, and I can't wait to talk more about things and write my books on here so I really hope to do this a lot more often then usual and putting my book in blogger.com, please if you have any question about when the books are going to be on blogger.com, please comment me. See yah. Ane my teacher better be reading this blog or else... Bye! :)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Summer Vaction!
Summer vaction, yeah... what a life, huh? Sitting on the beach relaxing and drinking your favorite drink, doing nothing but relaxing yourself. Well, for me in my case, I'm doing work and a vacation, to keep my mind opened and to relax my self before my sophmore year starts. And I still have my Clementon Park season pass, now that's exciting.
One of my friends are graduating this year, Samantha, and I was proud that she was going to graduate and go on to adulthood. She is still my friend, and I will treat her like one, and I can't wait to see her going down the aisle and watch her get her diploma, crying. I would be there crying too, but for her, she is like a big sis to me and I can't wait. I wish she could stay here longer with me, but she must go on and become a woman of her own.
Anyways, I'm excited because of the programs at the school is new to me, it will be my first time doing a summer program at CCTS. I don't know what else to say, that I guess I'm a nerd and technicly like school. Well, that is true, at least it gets me out of the house and do something in my life. Well, I must get going, I have other things to do I need planning. Have a good summer to the people I never got to comment. Bye!
One of my friends are graduating this year, Samantha, and I was proud that she was going to graduate and go on to adulthood. She is still my friend, and I will treat her like one, and I can't wait to see her going down the aisle and watch her get her diploma, crying. I would be there crying too, but for her, she is like a big sis to me and I can't wait. I wish she could stay here longer with me, but she must go on and become a woman of her own.
Anyways, I'm excited because of the programs at the school is new to me, it will be my first time doing a summer program at CCTS. I don't know what else to say, that I guess I'm a nerd and technicly like school. Well, that is true, at least it gets me out of the house and do something in my life. Well, I must get going, I have other things to do I need planning. Have a good summer to the people I never got to comment. Bye!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
My Book "Fairy Boy" I'm Writing Right Now!
"Fairy Boy" is about Nylon Milstein, a boy who lives in Summerville, Arkansas; who is the youngest and lives in an unfair love life. His father works full time job for a company in an office and a construction site, for part-time. His brothers work and ask Nylon sometimes to help them out with some things, or he works in the garden or the house with his mother. Then a girl who moved in his land in the old Finches house, named Lauren Burnton. She is a mysterious girl who took him into her world she rules, the world of fairies, real live ones, finding out she was princess and he was the prince. He could use powers of the fairies and can call upon them, and can fly. They go to the same school, but different buildings, a girl building and a boy building, seperated until the end of the day on the bus.
Later in the book, he founded out a tragic accident happened, he didn't want to live and never come back to this horrible world. Soon he realizes he wasn't alone, his father came to him and comforts him. He then shows his dad the world he rules in since he meet Lauren, the world of fairies.
He will learn more about himself and his new friend on this journey of his even though he lost someone special in his life. This isn't a true story and I hope you enjoy books like fantasy, like this is not a childrens book, it has bad words and violance and a lot of bad things you do not want your children to know. When I get older, I hope I'll be able to sell my books, and get everyone to love it. Thanks for reading my blog.
Later in the book, he founded out a tragic accident happened, he didn't want to live and never come back to this horrible world. Soon he realizes he wasn't alone, his father came to him and comforts him. He then shows his dad the world he rules in since he meet Lauren, the world of fairies.
He will learn more about himself and his new friend on this journey of his even though he lost someone special in his life. This isn't a true story and I hope you enjoy books like fantasy, like this is not a childrens book, it has bad words and violance and a lot of bad things you do not want your children to know. When I get older, I hope I'll be able to sell my books, and get everyone to love it. Thanks for reading my blog.
Monday, June 14, 2010
I Like Vampires!
I do love vampire, I even adore them very much. Except Twilight, they have sparkling vampires, they are "sparkling bundle of sticks", you guys know where I'm going at. Anways, vampires are beautiful creatures that can come out in the day and hunt in the night. Their people like us, except, they look young, they stay like that, and they are graceful strong creatures. You might disagree with me about vampires coming in the day, but I beleive they, they still themselves but feast on blood, and eat normal food, without gaining a pound. They do normal things like us, they are called the perfects of wonder to me.
I wish I was one of them, strong, wise, and all the other things they can do. At least when I get my braces out, I can get my teeth sharpen to look like on. But that is another story to be told, anyways, my favorite gender of vampires is the male, they have sentative heart for every human. They will protect you if you want to help or work for them, at free will, or even give your blood to them at free will.
It's hard to tell if they are sad or lonely, which they give you a sign by backing off from you or trying so hard to not to take your blood. They can control their emotions, unless it they see someone they like, they can't control. Emotions or the ones they love, are mostly the males weakness when they see someone they like. Well, you might not agree, but these are facts that I read from books and stuff, and I hope I get what I wish for.
Thanks for reading my blog and hope to meet you again.
I wish I was one of them, strong, wise, and all the other things they can do. At least when I get my braces out, I can get my teeth sharpen to look like on. But that is another story to be told, anyways, my favorite gender of vampires is the male, they have sentative heart for every human. They will protect you if you want to help or work for them, at free will, or even give your blood to them at free will.
It's hard to tell if they are sad or lonely, which they give you a sign by backing off from you or trying so hard to not to take your blood. They can control their emotions, unless it they see someone they like, they can't control. Emotions or the ones they love, are mostly the males weakness when they see someone they like. Well, you might not agree, but these are facts that I read from books and stuff, and I hope I get what I wish for.
Thanks for reading my blog and hope to meet you again.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Behind in Health Class
Well, as you read the title, this blog is about my Health Class, and how I am behind in work. Yeah... I suck at it. I didn't have time to do my Health stuff because of all the projects in our new program had. The projects weren't fun in any direction you want to put it, that's why I'm never going to have time to do health. I hate doing work like projects, it gets in my way of my other classes like Performming Arts and my Health Class. I just want to pass for the year, but no, the teachers make get work or add work to your projects and you never get time to do your other works. I know now that high school is harder then I thought for the first time, even though I knew it was hard at the beginning.
Then I heard good news from my Health Teacher, after I explained about the projects, he said he would give me till Monday. Hurray! But... I'm a slow descent writer, which is bad, so now it will take me all weekend to get it done. Why me?! Why me?! Man this sucks so bad now I want to punch pillow through a wall! Ok... ok... I have to relax to make it through the weekend, sorry guys didn't mean to become angery, you know sometimes its frustrating to be a high schooler, when you have IEP in your work. And all the stress builds up in me and that just gets me agrivated really bad.
Now I know some of the schools in the world aren't so swell eigther, but all a the drama at home mixing with the work at school, it's stressful, some of you guys should already know that. But I live through all day long including at night, and all I want to do is to have a living family, which would never come true. Since now I'm in 9th grade, I can't daydream of my world of fantasy of a perfect family. Wow... I can't believe I'm saying all this stuff, which are true in my experience in reality. Well... I don't have much to say now, but remember guys life is always like this, it's much worse. But hey... your always loved in their heart.
Then I heard good news from my Health Teacher, after I explained about the projects, he said he would give me till Monday. Hurray! But... I'm a slow descent writer, which is bad, so now it will take me all weekend to get it done. Why me?! Why me?! Man this sucks so bad now I want to punch pillow through a wall! Ok... ok... I have to relax to make it through the weekend, sorry guys didn't mean to become angery, you know sometimes its frustrating to be a high schooler, when you have IEP in your work. And all the stress builds up in me and that just gets me agrivated really bad.
Now I know some of the schools in the world aren't so swell eigther, but all a the drama at home mixing with the work at school, it's stressful, some of you guys should already know that. But I live through all day long including at night, and all I want to do is to have a living family, which would never come true. Since now I'm in 9th grade, I can't daydream of my world of fantasy of a perfect family. Wow... I can't believe I'm saying all this stuff, which are true in my experience in reality. Well... I don't have much to say now, but remember guys life is always like this, it's much worse. But hey... your always loved in their heart.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
My Life is Confusing as a Middle Child

My life is confusing in reality, to sadly tell you the truth. I just sometimes wish I was not born because of all the drama I go through. But hey I'm glad to be alive, in a good school and doing stuff that I always wanted to do. But, sometimes being the middle child of the family is harder then I thought. I'm not perfect in looks or perfect in school, my mom works alot, barely see her, living with a step dad that I dislike. Putting up with the yelling of my little sister, who bosses me around, having two step brothers who love to piss me off once in a while, and I am always alone in my room with nobody to talk about my feelings or anything. Yeah so to all of you middle children, you should know how I exsactly feel.
I hate it! I really don't care about life anymore, or even if I have less freinds, I'm use of being alone doing nothing but staying in bed sick. Because... when I was little I was always sick because I was a sick baby when I was born, now my body gets sick less. I was always in my room sleeping in bed sick, it was a horrible for me at first feeling alone and my mom coming in to check on me once in awhile. When I finally cought a cold called pneumonia when I was 13 years old, I thought I was the only one who can catch something like that, since I am use of getting sick, but nothing hurt like this. That's why I know I'm alone for ever, even though people make fun of me all the time, about l-o-v-e.
I never felt real love in my life, it's the truth! I feel so independent, as a middle child only in 9th grade, I should know what love feels like... but I don't. Now, why am I telling you this? Because I think everyone has story on there side of life and I think it is important for people to know about me. Thanks for reading my blog and I hope to hear yours.
Monday, June 7, 2010
A Little Preview of the Summer Program

I'm doing a summer program this year, to just enjoy myself until or to do work before the year starts. I know it sounds boring but it's true, I hate doing programs during the summer but I want to do well next year. I feel like I'm doing a good thing for myself, it feels great to get somethings done before a new year starts. I hope I do better next year then this year, and make some more good freinds on the first marking period. Summer Programs I have done in my past life, were boring, but this one I heard will be exciting!
We will be building a motor bike or a little car, but the gas we will use is Coke (AKA cocoa cola soda) and... something else that I forgotten just now. Anyways, and we will be testing it, but the testers will be the teachers, for our safety of course. The ones who aren't doing summer programs in their own school, well you should go to a school who have this type of program. But I know I'll have a good time and hope to be an expert at certain things in all the subjects. So far I love the High School that I go to now. And guess what... when ever I am free during the week, I can go to Clementon Park, because of my season passes, this rocks!
Thanks for reading my blog and hope to have some comments on them. Have a good smiling foxy day!
Friday, June 4, 2010
Final Marking Period is Almost Here!

At CCTS, the final marking period is coming to an end and school will be out on June 23, we are excited to see the old commers go into adulthood. We will sure miss them very much, and now we say hello to the new ninth graders, maybe some new tenth graders, to our school. Next year will be my sister's last year in CCTS, and I was crying because she was growing up, so fast. I will be a tenth grader, and I will only have two more years til my gradutation. I will be the third girl in my family to graduate and go to college. Anyways, we Performing Arts students will be singing on June 23, for the graduating Seniors, and either way will be there for my friends, that are graduating. *Tears* I'm in tears right now thinking about them growing up to be adults and might never ever see them again.
My mom was crying because my older sister will be an adult, grown and ready to go to the college she has dreamed of, like me, she will not let her emotions get in her way of her life. I will be their by her side every step of the way. Testing will be comeing up and I will be testing for Performing Arts, it will be exciting! I am now happy, and I hope the people who are reading this will remember who graduated and remember them well. May god be with you Seniors and all the others around the world.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Tribute for Gary Coleman

Gary Coleman, died May 28 on a Friday, he died at the age of 42, he played as himself on Avenue Q, he played as the superintendent of the apartment complex, that is where the musical took place. I actually liked the guy, he was swell person on Avenue Q, He died in his mid-years but that is still young. I wished to meet him in person one day, well now I lost my chance of seeing him perform on stage. I seen him perform Avenue Q on Youtube videos, but that isn't good enough, I hope I see one show of Avenue Q, before my college year comes up, in 3 years.
After I heard he had died in Utah, I was crying my eyes out as the people did for Michael Jackson when he died. I thought it wasn't fair for him at all, dieing at that age is horrible, I just wish we could bring him back right now and change everything and bring back so he can be on his first blockbuster role, he wished to be on since his childhood. His wish had never came true, and the people never made it happen to him. Well I give an RIP to Gary Coleman. I will miss him and give him his luck, and I give luck to the character to play Gary Coleman. Good luck to all tha Avenue Q actors and actress.
Friday, May 28, 2010
It's Friday!

It's Friday! It's Friday! The most important thing to egin weekend, and this weekend we get three days off because of Memorial Day. I love weekends and Fridays becuase I can kick back and relax and not think about school work, but it helps me prepare to study with other students around me. Today, I am suppose to go to Clementon Park, but it counts if it is going to rain today, I hate going there because of this family stuff. I'll go their with my friends but, my family, they embarrass me alot. What do you expect? My family isn't perfect, ain't it.
But hate going to Clementon Park because how crowded it is their, trust me would you wait in the sun just to get in the theme park. I know I wouldn't, I'll just turn around and get my self home, and that would of been the end. Well, I would love to talk more about my weekend plans but most get this done and over, my fingers hurt me from doing all this typing today. And yes I am sending my blog through my school. And I hope you comment me on my work. Thanks!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
About my Immigration Project
In English, I am reading A Modest Proposal by Johnathan Swift, we are learning about how life was during the immigration time. And I was told to make a webpage about it, the project isn't about English only, it has History and Spanish in here (even though I don't take Spanish). It teaches us how the immigrants were treated and why they were treated that way. I hope I can learn more about the Immigration and hope to learn about the author, Johnathan Swift who wrote the book I am reading now. I didn't start reading yet, but I started parts of the website for A Modest Proposal. Here are some things that I might ask you about. What is satire? If you know this answer I guess I will be asking you alot of question on this book. But I will love to hear some comments from my blog, please make one for me ok.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Stress is in the Air!

Testing for Algebra 1 is coming up for me next week Monday, found out the news yesterday, I am now feeling stress of a High Schooler. I'm doing even more projects then ever, I have a test tomorrow on Commedia Dell' Arte, and what worse can happen?... Actually, I don't want to jinx it or find out, I so far love it and almost summer, meaning no stress, and swimming time, and the season where tix and fleas come in, I have a dog named Curious that's why. And I can't wait to sleep in even more then ever, until school comes back this fall coming up, man why can't it be four months instead of three. Because we missed alot of school days during winter the worse day of the year.
Well, hey I actually like this school, except I don't have real freinds in the same class as me, so far everyone of my friends are in better classes, then I am. ISP is cool, but their teaching skills are not such a great of a deal, i now think the program will make everyone here fail, except Algebra, if your good. Now Algebra, is hard for me, but I am passing the subject, with my first B since kindergarden, but testing, is my week point.
To explain, well i get nervous, everyone gets nervous, but me i get nervous on any tests, espeicaly history or algebra. But right now I have to worry about passing, because if I don't, I fail the whole thing, this is why people shouldn't tell me what might happen if i fail. I tell them i don't want to hear it, but they say it anyways. Man! I am so stress! Can some give me something to destroy tests once and for all! Well thanks! For reading my blog and I hope to hear comments from all of you.
Monday, May 17, 2010
My Weekend
My weekend was as I planned, I was planning to go to the mall with my freinds, but my mom wanted me to help out with switching the room of my siblings. So, I stayed home instead. Reason why my siblings are switching rooms, well my sister's sleep in the basement, and they say it's to cold down stairs, and my step brother's (sleep in seperate rooms) rooms were too hot for them, so they desided to switch. So, we took out everything from their rooms, and switched them into the other rooms, well, when my step dad came home from his brothers house, he redid all the beds and stuff, now all they have to do is paint their rooms, even though me and my sister didn't pick our colors yet.
It is hard to decide what to do to our house after we moved into it nine months ago, we just got new furniture we are getting more pets, and what can be worse then that? Oh... right one of our Dwarf Hampsters got a wettail, the poor thing, his name is Charles, wait a minute, i think its Herbie, Ah! I'm so confused. Anyways, I am sick because my step dad played with the hose and hsoed me and my sister down to the bones it felt good until, I caught a cold today. Well, my colds usually go away fast so i hope i feel better by friday or Wednesday, ok I hope all of you have a good day, oh and kids, stay in school or you'll end up like the hobbos. (hobbos are awsome though)
It is hard to decide what to do to our house after we moved into it nine months ago, we just got new furniture we are getting more pets, and what can be worse then that? Oh... right one of our Dwarf Hampsters got a wettail, the poor thing, his name is Charles, wait a minute, i think its Herbie, Ah! I'm so confused. Anyways, I am sick because my step dad played with the hose and hsoed me and my sister down to the bones it felt good until, I caught a cold today. Well, my colds usually go away fast so i hope i feel better by friday or Wednesday, ok I hope all of you have a good day, oh and kids, stay in school or you'll end up like the hobbos. (hobbos are awsome though)
Thursday, May 13, 2010
This is It!

This is it! Only one month to go before graduation for the seniors, and another year for me to go up the next grade which is 10th. I am excited, but I will miss the freinds that I have, who were seniors, and hope they have a good future. Next year, my sister will be graduating an she will miss our school and our family, one kid down, an six more of u to go, not now but soon. I can't wait to start a marvelous new year, 10th grade year, and hope I'll be more successful then thi year. I feel like every year that i gain a feind then loose one, it is hard to say good-bye and never see them again. The teachers, I know will miss us and the ones graduating this year, and I hope to come see them when I am free. And I hope to go to college, for Literature and get my books put out there for peo
ple to read, I want to boot my website for the book I am writing right now.

Monday, May 10, 2010
My Dream/The Beginning
I had many dreams before, but sometimes they seem too real to look like a dream. I hate when people say its just a dream, what can your dreams do? Well that's easy lots of poeple pass away when they dream, go crazy or even get stuck in the dream and never come out. Well my dreams feel real, and when I touch something it feels real. Sometimes it feels like, I am in a dark world when I am a sleep, once in a while, but when I wake up everything is normal.
Their are lots of people who I know is in my dream my freinds, teachers, family, and other people who might exist in some other place. The thing I fear most is this dream that continues sometimes, during full moons and new moons. I don't want tell what my dream is about, because I feel like a crazy person thinking this. I usually tell myself that I read to much non-fiction books, but sometimes i don't read books and i still have the dreams. Sometimes I think it is a world of mine that I can't control, but i can do things in my dreams, sometimes its good and bad.
But, now I feel fine about it and I am now use to having these dreams.
Their are lots of people who I know is in my dream my freinds, teachers, family, and other people who might exist in some other place. The thing I fear most is this dream that continues sometimes, during full moons and new moons. I don't want tell what my dream is about, because I feel like a crazy person thinking this. I usually tell myself that I read to much non-fiction books, but sometimes i don't read books and i still have the dreams. Sometimes I think it is a world of mine that I can't control, but i can do things in my dreams, sometimes its good and bad.
But, now I feel fine about it and I am now use to having these dreams.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Taking Trip Fail

We (Performing Arts) were suppose to take a trip today (May 4, 2010) but that didn't happen. Well this made feel really sad because I heard that the show was a good one, all of us including the teachers were disappointed. So, we came back to school sad , but we saw pictures of the show we just finished. You want know what happen on the trip? I thought it was pretty messed up.
Ok, we were on the road talking to freinds and hanging out on the bus, relxing before we go into the quiet theatre. Then, we stopped infront of the theatre we were suppose to go in. Anyways, our teacher went out to make sure they were ready for us. When a lady stepped outside, she told us the show was cancelled. For what reason, becuase the other schools that were suppose to be there cancelled them, their wasn't enough people to see. And that's what happen.
I was mad, I thought it was a waste of time of going all the way to the Ritz Theatre for nothing, i feel like I want to go under the lankets and eat a jar of peanutbutter. I was dissappointed, but the good news is that they gave us an opportunity to see the show at night before the last performance. For us Performing Arts tudents, it was for free! And to bring a friend, with student loan, only $10. That was good for some kids, but for me it was horrible, o well i might get another chance some other time.
I was mad, I thought it was a waste of time of going all the way to the Ritz Theatre for nothing, i feel like I want to go under the lankets and eat a jar of peanutbutter. I was dissappointed, but the good news is that they gave us an opportunity to see the show at night before the last performance. For us Performing Arts tudents, it was for free! And to bring a friend, with student loan, only $10. That was good for some kids, but for me it was horrible, o well i might get another chance some other time.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
The Adventures of JessHopper

In this blog, I will be writing about my life and what is going on in the world. I might even include pictures of things to go along with the mood of it. Even, type a little bit about the book I am writing about, I am still working on Chapter 4, but hope to get done by next year. I started last year, but never finished. I will write about what I am learning in English as well other subjects. I just started this and I hope I can do a lot of blogs before the end of the year and I might add some funny personal stuff too and I am even going to write random stories. This is the beginning of Jess Hopper's adventure.
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