Friday, June 11, 2010

Behind in Health Class

Well, as you read the title, this blog is about my Health Class, and how I am behind in work. Yeah... I suck at it. I didn't have time to do my Health stuff because of all the projects in our new program had. The projects weren't fun in any direction you want to put it, that's why I'm never going to have time to do health. I hate doing work like projects, it gets in my way of my other classes like Performming Arts and my Health Class. I just want to pass for the year, but no, the teachers make get work or add work to your projects and you never get time to do your other works. I know now that high school is harder then I thought for the first time, even though I knew it was hard at the beginning.
Then I heard good news from my Health Teacher, after I explained about the projects, he said he would give me till Monday. Hurray! But... I'm a slow descent writer, which is bad, so now it will take me all weekend to get it done. Why me?! Why me?! Man this sucks so bad now I want to punch pillow through a wall! Ok... ok... I have to relax to make it through the weekend, sorry guys didn't mean to become angery, you know sometimes its frustrating to be a high schooler, when you have IEP in your work. And all the stress builds up in me and that just gets me agrivated really bad.
Now I know some of the schools in the world aren't so swell eigther, but all a the drama at home mixing with the work at school, it's stressful, some of you guys should already know that. But I live through all day long including at night, and all I want to do is to have a living family, which would never come true. Since now I'm in 9th grade, I can't daydream of my world of fantasy of a perfect family. Wow... I can't believe I'm saying all this stuff, which are true in my experience in reality. Well... I don't have much to say now, but remember guys life is always like this, it's much worse. But hey... your always loved in their heart.

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