Monday, June 14, 2010

I Like Vampires!

I do love vampire, I even adore them very much. Except Twilight, they have sparkling vampires, they are "sparkling bundle of sticks", you guys know where I'm going at. Anways, vampires are beautiful creatures that can come out in the day and hunt in the night. Their people like us, except, they look young, they stay like that, and they are graceful strong creatures. You might disagree with me about vampires coming in the day, but I beleive they, they still themselves but feast on blood, and eat normal food, without gaining a pound. They do normal things like us, they are called the perfects of wonder to me.
I wish I was one of them, strong, wise, and all the other things they can do. At least when I get my braces out, I can get my teeth sharpen to look like on. But that is another story to be told, anyways, my favorite gender of vampires is the male, they have sentative heart for every human. They will protect you if you want to help or work for them, at free will, or even give your blood to them at free will.
It's hard to tell if they are sad or lonely, which they give you a sign by backing off from you or trying so hard to not to take your blood. They can control their emotions, unless it they see someone they like, they can't control. Emotions or the ones they love, are mostly the males weakness when they see someone they like. Well, you might not agree, but these are facts that I read from books and stuff, and I hope I get what I wish for.
Thanks for reading my blog and hope to meet you again.

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